Tuesday 6 December 2011

Memory and Emotion in Real-life: PTSD

Post traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that can occur after a person goes through a traumatic event. Psychiatrists believe that PTSD can only be correctly diagnosed after at least a month has passed since the traumatic event. Before then the condition is considered a post-traumatic stress, but not yet post traumatic stress disorder.

There are 3 main symptoms that help psychiatrist determine whether the person is suffering from PTSD and they are :
               1- The sufferer re-experiences the traumatic incident.
               2- The sufferer displays avoidance, wants to stay away from anything that may possibly
                    remind her/him of the trauma. May also display lack of responsiveness or interest
                    towards everything.
               3- hyperarousal  (EX . irritable all the time or unable to sleep)

Memory and emotion could easily be related to PTSD, When a person experiences a traumatic event their emotions are acting up as their brain tries to process how to deal with it. The terrible memory of the incident will be stuck in his/her mind because it was very emotionally scarring.

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