Monday 14 November 2011

Seneca On Anger

The Lazarus Theory proposes that when an event occurs, a cognitive appraisal is made and based on the result of that appraisal, an emotion and physiological response follow. Seneca believes that strong emotion , anger in specific , is triggered by surprise. When a person has set high expectations and it doesn't go well, then because they are surprised or disappointed they lash out.

Seneca suggests that a person uses pessimism to prepare themselves for the worst so if everything goes wrong, anger or disappointment doesn't control them. Personally , I don't believe Seneca's solution to the anger problem. I agree that anger comes from disappointment and high expectation but I don't think that being pessimistic will prevent anger. I believe that it's in the Human's nature to expect good things,whether they are optimistic,pessimistic or a realist. I think that both the Lazarus and Seneca theories are completely different.

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