Wednesday 12 October 2011

Alzheimer's Disease: What Can We Learn About Memory?

 About 100 years ago, The Alzheimer's disease was discovered. It was ,however , unfamiliar to people. Now a days , A lot of people have lost themselves our a family member or loved one because of this disease. Alzheimer's is the most common type of Dementia, it starts in the hippo campus affecting the memory first then spreads to the rest of the brain. It kills cells and eventually they die and the brain becomes much smaller in size.

From the video I watched in class, I learned that the most people that get affected are the people who take care of the patient. The person with Alzheimer's gets so ill that he can't recognize the people around him that were his/her entire life before. They  become moody and not everyone can tolerate that. I felt terrible for the families in the video for having to go through that because it's such a hard thing to do,just to watch the person you once knew and loved fade away.


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