Cognitive behavioral treatments for PTSD have been found to be very successful in reducing peoples' symptoms.Several different therapies would be considered "cognitive-behavioral" that are regularly used to treat PTSD:
1- Exposure Therapy --> Over time, people with PTSD may develop fears of reminders of their traumatic event. These reminders may be in the environment.The goal of exposure therapy is to help reduce the level of fear and anxiety connected with these reminders, thereby also reducing avoidance. This is usually done by having the client confront (or be exposed to) the reminders that he fears without avoiding them.
2- Stress-Inoculation Training --> The basic goal of Stress-Inoculation Training is to help a patient gain confidence in his ability to cope with anxiety and fear stemming from trauma reminders.In SIT, the therapist helps the client become more aware of what things are reminders (also referred to as "cues") for fear and anxiety. In addition, clients learn a variety of coping skills that are useful in managing anxiety, such as muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
3- Cognitive Processing Therapy --> Cognitive-Processing Therapy (CPT) was developed by Resick and Schnicke to specifically treat PTSD among people who have experienced a sexual assault. Like exposure therapy, in CPT, the patient is asked to write about his traumatic event in detail. The patient is then instructed to read the story aloud repeatedly in and outside of session. The therapist helps the client identify and address stuck points and errors in thinking, sometimes called "cognitive restructuring". The therapist may help the patient address these errors or stuck points by having the client gather evidence for and against negative thoughts.
Medication is used with Cognitive-behavioral therapy to help heal the patient more effectively and faster. The medications are used to bring the patient to the state of mind that allows him to come to terms with their fears and continue with the Cognitive-behavioral treatment.
- Exposure Therapy
- Stress-Inoculation Training
- Cognitive Processing Therapy

2- Stress-Inoculation Training --> The basic goal of Stress-Inoculation Training is to help a patient gain confidence in his ability to cope with anxiety and fear stemming from trauma reminders.In SIT, the therapist helps the client become more aware of what things are reminders (also referred to as "cues") for fear and anxiety. In addition, clients learn a variety of coping skills that are useful in managing anxiety, such as muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
3- Cognitive Processing Therapy --> Cognitive-Processing Therapy (CPT) was developed by Resick and Schnicke to specifically treat PTSD among people who have experienced a sexual assault. Like exposure therapy, in CPT, the patient is asked to write about his traumatic event in detail. The patient is then instructed to read the story aloud repeatedly in and outside of session. The therapist helps the client identify and address stuck points and errors in thinking, sometimes called "cognitive restructuring". The therapist may help the patient address these errors or stuck points by having the client gather evidence for and against negative thoughts.
Medication is used with Cognitive-behavioral therapy to help heal the patient more effectively and faster. The medications are used to bring the patient to the state of mind that allows him to come to terms with their fears and continue with the Cognitive-behavioral treatment.